Beach trip

My apologies for such a delay in blog posts, we haven’t been MIA, we just moved to California ( more on that in a future post). But before we made the big move, we took a trip to Akumal, Mexico with the Atashroo Family. This was a trip planned long before we knew we were moving and I am glad the timing worked out so we could still go. All five of us stayed at a house on the beach where we had access to our own pool and private beachfront. David wanted to test out this type of vacation instead of doing the all inclusive thing, and it was AWESOME! We bought groceries to have at the house and occasionally went into town for meals. Ali, Shahla, and Diana spent a day at the Myan Ruins and David and I had the opportunity to go on two different scuba dives. Overall it was a very relaxing trip and we are already planning in our heads a return trip!

We spotted a Lionfish

We spotted a Lionfish

60 ft under

60 ft under

Camera 14MP-9PC

Everything is A-OK

Camera 14MP-9PC

Just keep swimming, just keep swimming.

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