Our new ‘Home Sweet Home’

We have been living the California life to the fullest the last two months (hard to believe we have been here that long!) Our families know all about the drama surrounding us finding a place to live hear in California so I will spare all of the emotional drama here. To sum, we made a connection with someone in the area who knew a family with an extra guest house on their property. They graciously offered us a temporary stay at their place while we continued to search for housing once we arrived at the end of June. After just two weeks at their place, another rental had come available and we were making plans to move out the beginning of August when the family asked us to stay and said we were welcome for the two years we would be at Stanford to live in their extra house….FOR FREE! We eventually convinced them to collect at least a small amount of rent money from us to cover basic expenses but all in all we cannot be more thankful to this family for making our transition to California less stressful. We are definitely getting a steal of a deal for what we are now paying in monthly rent for what we are blessed with. A quant little two bedroom home with its own fenced in backyard for Teddy. The whole estate has four different houses on it and is probably over 10 acres. Our little place is set back about 300 feet from the main house, across a bridge over a small creek. The house was actually one of the first buildings in Woodside, a historic monument and everything with a plaque on the side reading, “Old Woodside Schoolhouse, C. 1902”. We see deer daily (and have already watched a few fawns grow up), soak in the serenity of our wooded surroundings, and rejoice that we have grass for Teddy! A luxury in this landlocked Peninsula that is overcrowded with apartments.

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Our little two bedroom home, set back in the woods!


A recognized historial building.

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The bridge over the creek leading to our house.

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The creek is dry now but apparently during the rainy season will be more like a rushing river.

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Big front yard! Teddy’s favorite place to roll in the grass.

So now we have found ourselves moved into Woodside, California. The house is only about 5 miles from each of our jobs and while the town of Woodside is small, it has a lot of character! Woodside is one of the ‘horse capitol’ towns of the Bay Area. Sometimes I feel like we never left Lexington, because every other house has a barn and paddocks. Instead of sidewalks, there are horse paths. The downtown strip has a post to tie up your horse while you shop and dine. I think I might actually see more horses here than I did in Lexington. Who would have thought. Woodside also is a popular cyclist spot and its not uncommon to see 100 or more cyclist in the morning on a weekend. Being bike enthusiasts ourselves you would think we would embrace it, but we haven’t even been on one ride around our town yet! It’s on the list, I think we both wanted to look a little more ‘official’ before we get out there with the serious crowd.

After about a month in our new place, we received an offer on our Kentucky house for sale. We are so fortunate to have had the house sell so quickly but its bittersweet to let it go! Here’s to 614 Price Ave; Our first home as a newlywed couple, where the front porch sittin’ was good, and the company even better (Lexington neighbors and friends- YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE!). The house and all people we met in Kentucky will be dearly missed, and our time in Lexington forever cherished.


Goodbye to one place, and hello to a new one.

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