A rainy weekend- video update!

After a long week apart, we had the perfect weekend! David spent most of last week in San Diego for a work conference and I spent it at home being a stay at home dog mom. My current job is waiting for more funding and patient assignments  which means I am waiting to head back into work at a moments notice. Unfortunately, I am still waiting for this notice but trying to make the most of my time off. I’ve even gotten to the bottom of my “to do” list! Needless to say, David was ready to spend some time together and I was ready to get out of the house. Here’s to some exploring!

There has been a long standing drought in California. Since we moved it has only drizzled one or two times in the 7 months we have been here. But alas, the drought has lifted and it rained for 5 straight days. Which leads us to our first activity of the weekend…Uvas Canyon hiking! We went specifically to see the waterfalls on the one mile waterfall loop and added on some other trails to complete a nice 2.5 hour hike. It was raining the entire time we were hiking which meant since we were already wet we weren’t afraid to get up close and personal with the waterfalls. Even Teddy came along and embraced the wet dog smell as he lead us on our adventure.

It was awesome, and even David was impressed! I’m glad we saved this one for after a good rain, there were sad photos of dry falls from just a week earlier. We will definitely be back on another rainy weekend to explore the other side of the canyon and see some more falls.

This was also the first time the chicken coop was put to the test in a rainstorm. It keeps the chicken’s surprisingly dry and is completely water tight so they can stay nice and cozy…if they make it in the coop! On Saturday night we accidentally shut a chicken out and we found her Sunday morning, soaking wet and squawking around in the backyard. We both felt a little guilty about our accidental mistreatment of our little chick but she seems to have recovered after a little TLC and salon treatment, see video below!

And the final activity of the weekend….a racquetball match! To make up for working on Sunday, David offered to meet me at the Stanford Racquetball courts for a dual! I am awful at racquetball but love to play so every once in a while David comes down to my level and humors me  by bringing his intensity down a notch. It’s been hard to justify indoor activities since the weather here is always awesome and you want to be outside constantly, so we used this rainy Sunday as a chance to enjoy something indoors. Thankfully there is no video of the activity because you would witness me with more than a few missed swings at the ball and a score of 21-3, resulting in a big “W” for David. I’ll let you use your imagination as to how this went down…

Hope you had a great weekend as well!

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